Backup Restore PostgreSQL in Windows

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Backup database is saving your current database for archive that data to hard disk or storage.

For backup your data you can type this command in CMD (terminal for windows):

D:\Postgre8.3\bin\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -F c -b -v -f "C:\Users\user\Desktop\CurrentDatabase.backup" poltek

Wait until finish.

Restore database is important step if you move database from old database to new database.

One of easy and fast step is using terminal and pg_restore tool for restore database. For restore your data you can type this command in CMD (terminal for windows):

D:\Postgre8.3\bin\pg_restore.exe -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d poltek -v "C:\Users\user\Desktop\CurrentDatabase.backup"

and wait until process finish.

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